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Maxwell Centre

Event Type: 
Relevant partner events

Join QDUK and Royce@Cambridge for short talks on "The benefits of correlative microscopy" and Royce@Cambridge open access equipment, with tours of the facilities.

The Benefits of Correlative Microscopy & Spectroscopy Dr Satyam Ladva, Technical Product Manager, QDUKI At a time not so long ago, Scientific discoveries would have resulted in instant recognition and, if significant enough, immediate publication. However, as time has moved on, so have the requirements from Journals and the demand from customers when it comes to the criteria needed to complete a project. Technical users, research and industrial alike, are now pushed into spending a far greater percentage of their time acquiring high quality data from more than just one or two instruments. The purpose of which is to solidify their findings by corroborating measurements from several independent systems either for R&D purposes, QA testing and especially publications. Whilst this does result in more reliable data, it almost always means that system users are spending more time to complete a project, which is also quite expensive in the long run. If only there were more systems that have 2 or more techniques within the confines of their own structure…which leads to the purpose of this talk. Quantum Design UK and Ireland are happy to announce their breakthrough in true correlative microscopy with the creation of the unique Fusionscope system. Through combination of Scanning Electron Microscopy, with spatial resolution as low down as 5nm, Atomic Force Microscopy with self-sensing cantilevers, the Fusionscope allows correlative measurements of AFM & SEM, ideal for a range of applications especially with contribution from the 80 degree rotating trunnion that allows for side-angle view of the AFM tip and surface, with SEM-level resolution. This allows for faster and easier measurement of samples both for researchers but also industrial users – who can now acquire at least two system measurements at exactly the same time, with very little technical nuance needed for transferring between modes. Combined with our full range of microscopes and spectroscopes consisting of several options for multi-use, sometimes even overlapping with our cryogenic solutions as well, Quantum Design UK and Ireland are now able to share their vision for offering a range of techniques useful for supporting both the time-pressed researchers as well as the demand-led industries.

Book here or just turn up on the day.

For more information about Royce@Cambridge is available here.

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Tuesday, 7 November, 2023 - 12:00 to 13:30
Contact name: 
Suzanne Donovan
Event location: 
Rayleigh Room, Maxwell Centre