The Henry Royce Institute, known as Royce, is the UK's national institute for advanced materials science research and innovation.
Royce at the University of Cambridge, known as Royce@Cambridge, is one of Royce’s nine partners, funded by the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), which is part of UK Research & Innovation (UKRI).
Based at the Maxwell Centre, Royce@Cambridge is the centrepiece for industrial engagement with the scientists and engineers working across the materials sciences on the West Cambridge Science and Technology Campus.
Through an initial £12M capital investment in research facilities, we support research and innovation through an inter-departmental network of 18 open access deposition, fabrication and characterisation facilities. Our focus is on supporting the development of materials for energy efficient devices as part of the Royce AtomsToDevices research theme.
We also support research in the Royce Institute Research Areas of 2D Materials, Biomaterials and Bioelectronics development and Advanced Metals Processing. Royce@Cambridge hosts a national technology platform which includes the Physical Vapour Deposition and Characterisation Facility.
Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. Contact us at royce@maxwell.cam.ac.uk
All our equipment is available for use by academia and industry. Royce@Cambridge funding supports access for academic researchers, including from outside Cambridge. There are also funding schemes to support SMEs access equipment. Booking information is available here.
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There are funding opportunities for students, researchers and SMEs to access Royce equipment at the University of Cambridge.
Similar schemes are available with other Royce partners including Imperial, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford and Sheffield. For more information visit its UK Funding Page and Access Scheme Overview Page.
Royce@Cambridge also supports commercialisation activities though sponsoring five places on the Cambridge Impulse Programme for technology entrepreneurs. These are for University of Cambridge researchers including PhD students and postdoctoral researchers working in advanced materials. Details of Royce Impulse sponsorships are available here.
Henry Royce also sponsors ten places on EnterpriseTECH at the Cambridge Judge Business School for PhD students and postdocs working in materials science or engineering research. More details here.
Tours of Royce Institute funded facilities across the Physics, Materials and Engineering Departments may be arranged on request. The tours give an overview of the capabilities of each facility as well as information on booking, funding opportunities and the work of the Royce Institute. For more information email royce@maxwell.cam.ac.uk