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Maxwell Centre



On behalf of Professor Sir Richard Friend FRS FREng (Director), and our entire team, we are delighted to extend an  invitation for the inaugural Maxwell Centre Annual Research Showcase, to take place on Friday, 17th of March 2017.

The Maxwell Centre was launched in April 2016, as a centrepiece for industry engagement across Physical Sciences and Technology at the University of Cambridge. With our first anniversary approaching, we are inaugurating an Annual Research Showcase event to celebrate the breadth and quality of Cambridge research in the context of external partnerships, opportunities and collaborations.

Venue: University of Cambridge, Maxwell Centre and Pippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Lab, JJ Thomson Avenue, CB3 0HE, Cambridge, England


We very much hope you will be available to join us at the Maxwell Centre, to share in our success and gain direct access to opportunities in collaborative research across the Physical Sciences and Technology in Cambridge.

Event Programme

Arrival and registration at the Maxwell Centre*

12:00 - Networking lunch at the Maxwell Centre*

Talks at the Pippard Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory

13:00 - Welcome. "The Efficient Century" - talk by Prof Sir Richard Friend, Maxwell Centre Director

13:30 - Keynote address: "Enterprise at Cambridge: expect the unexpected" Dr Tony Raven, Chief Executive, Cambridge Enterprise

14:20 - Research snapshots (full list here) - a series of 2 minutes' talks by researchers from across the Physical Science and Technology departments.  Showcase of a broad range of collaborative, multidisciplinary, cutting-edge research and industrial partnerships.

15:20 - Coffee break

15:40 - Collaborative research highlights:

  • "Solving industrial challenges through computational multi-physics" Dr Nikos Nikiforakis, Physics
  • "Cellulose Photonics: from nature to applications" Dr Silvia Vignolini, Chemistry
  • "Hierarchical Carbon Nanotubes - Towards New Nanotech Applications", Dr Michael de Volder, Engineering
  • "NPL partnership: Metrology from the Maxwell Centre" Dr JT Janssen, Director of Research, NPL

17:00 - "First year at the Maxwell Centre" Dr Aga Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, Maxwell Centre Programme Manager

17:20 - Questions and Answers

Networking session at the Maxwell Centre*

17:30 - poster session, tours, demos and networking over refreshments*

18:30 - close

To register

* the asterisk-marked parts of the event will be opened to registered participants only. To register, please RSVP though here:

NB: Nearly all Eventbrite tickets (entry for the entire event duration including networking sessions) are now gone, but we will operate a waiting list.

Please note that if you are a University member, you do not need to register to attend the open programme of talks between 1pm and 5:30pm - feel free to simply show up.

Friday, 17 March, 2017 - 12:00 to 18:30