Novel tools for lung cancer early diagnosis and therapy
Join the Early Detection programme of the CRUK Cambridge Centre for the first in a series of ideas sharing events to encourage collaboration between clinicians and scientists. These events build on the recently published infographics factsheets, which highlight key areas of physical sciences research in Cambridge that could in future improve early cancer detection.
Venue: Maxwell Centre
Dr Robert Rintoul: Consultant respiratory physician in thoracic oncology at Papworth Hospital, Cambridge and Honorary Visiting Senior Fellow in the University of Cambridge. Robert is currently the lead clinician for cancer at Papworth Hospital and Director of the Papworth Hospital Clinical Trials Unit Collaboration. The focus of his work is around clinical trials and translational research in malignant mesothelioma and the early detection of lung cancer.
Dr Daniel Muñoz-Espin: Group Leader, Early Detection Programme. Daniel’s laboratory focuses on the fundamental mechanisms and processes that lie at the origin of lung cancer. In particular, the interplay between cellular senescence and cellular plasticity, and the role of cancer stem cells. He aims to translate this knowledge using diagnostic and therapeutic tools based on novel mesoporous silica nanoparticles targeted to senescent cells.
Refreshments will be provided. Click here to sign up.
See also the page of the organisers - Early Detection Programme: