Maxwell liaison team
Cheng Liu
Maxwell Centre Lab Manager
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 760094
A first point of contact for the Maxwell Centre's shared-access experimental facilities and for technical enquiries regarding the laboratories in the Maxwell building.
Monica Lucena
Maxwell Centre Engagement Coordinator
Tel. +44 (0) 1223 747373
Email Monica if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
Dr Ethan Aines
Maxwell Centre Industry Knowledge Exchange Manager and Zero Waste Lead
Ethan works with academics and industrial partners within the "Zero Waste - Maximum Efficiency" stand of the Maxwell Centre's strategy. He also provides a link between knowledge exchange activities of the Maxwell Centre programme and the University's Cambridge Zero flagship climate initiative.
Contact Ethan if you have ideas /questions around research with prospective zero carbon sustainalbe future applications, and if you would like to be posted about events and opportunities in this space.
Dr Alex Samoshkin
Maxwell Centre Health Tech Lead; Deputy Head, Office for Translational Research
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 336802
Alex's primary role is to link the Physical Sciences/Technology Schools (West Cambridge) and the Clinical School (Biomedical Campus) helping to translate new methods/technologies/materials into clinic as well as bringing back clinical questions and challenges to the scientists. Industrial links are a powerful catalyst for med-tech and platform translational efforts, and are incorporated through the Maxwell Centre and Office of Translational Research networks and partnerships.
Alex is sharing his time between the West Cambridge and Biomedical campuses, and you can find him regularly (normally Wednesdays) at the Maxwell Centre.
Contact Alex if you have ideas /questions around research with prospective biomedical applications, and if you would like to be posted about events and opportunities in this space.