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Energy @ Cambridge is a University of Cambridge Interdisciplinary Research Centre, that brings together the activities of over 250 academics working in all aspects of energy-related research. 

Its aims are to:

  • Leverage the University of Cambridge’s expertise to tackle grand technical and intellectual challenges in energy, integrating science, technology and policy research.
  • Work with industry, funding agencies, UK and foreign governments and other sponsors and benefactors to secure funding for research in energy.
  • Develop strategic academic and industrial partnerships around the world.
  • Ensure that multidisciplinary, cross-university projects have support and backing from the University leadership and research community to maximise success and impact.

The Energy Transitions @ Cambridge IRC is able to support research institutions, businesses, government departments and any other organisations interested in establishing an energy related research partnership or collaboration with the University of Cambridge.



General enquiries

Dr Shafiq Ahmed, Strategic Research Initiative Coordinator

Joy Houghton, Programme Manager, Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research in Energy Efficiency in Singapore

See also: