This suite includes: a Cascade Tesla, 200 mm, high voltage, high current semiautomatic probe station, a Keysight B1505A Semiconductor Parametric Analyser/Curve Tracer, number of stand-alone, high precision Source Measure Units (SMUs) and a high voltage capable, Keysight 2 GHz Oscilloscope.
This set of equipment allows testing and characterisation of devices and materials in wafer, die or packaged forms, very accurately from -55 °C to +300 °C. Ratings of the equipment are up to 200 A and 3 kV for wafer level measurements using the probe station and 0.01 fA to 1500 A and 10 kV for packaged samples. B1505A also has C-V capability from 1 kHz to 5 MHz with a combined DC voltage rating of 3 kV. The oscilloscope with the high voltage probe can capture switching transients up to 4 kV.
Industry users have used this equipment to characterise their devices in detail both at wafer level and in packaged form enabling them to enhance the performance of their products.
If you wish to use this equipment please contact the academic lead Professor Florin Udrea ( fu10000@cam.ac.uk ) or the technical lead Dr Nishad Udugampola ( nku20@cam.ac.uk ) in the Department of Engineering.