Steering Committee Remit
Maxwell Centre Steering Committee is charged with delivering the industrial programme for the Maxwell Centre. The group meets annually. Its remit is to advise the Maxwell Centre Director on policy for industrial engagement, agree sectors and companies to engage in new initiatives, review proposed projects within the Maxwell Centre and discuss other strategy matters arising.
Current membership
Ex-officio members
Prof Nigel Peake (Head of the School of Physical Sciences) - Chair
Dr Aga Iwasiewicz-Wabnig FRSA (Director of the Maxwell Centre) - Secretary
Dr Diarmuid O'Brien (Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Innovation)
Prof Sir John Aston FRS (Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research)
Prof Richard Penty (Head of School of Technology)
Prof Clemens Kaminski (Head of Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)
Prof James Keeler (Head of Department of Chemistry)
Prof Alastair Beresford (Head of Department of Computer Science and Technology)
Prof Colm Durkan (Head of Department of Engineering)
Prof Jason Robinson (Joint Head of Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy)
Prof Mete Atatüre (Head of Department of Physics)
Further members
Prof Tim Minshall (Head of the Institute for Manufacturing)
Head of University Research Office
Chief Exec, Cambridge Enterprise