Professor Sir Richard Friend FRS FREng 
Founding Director, Maxwell Centre (inception-2018)
Room 2.90, Maxwell Centre Cavendish Laboratory, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE
Office phone: +44 1223 337218
Richard Friend holds the Cavendish Professorship of Physics at the University of Cambridge. He is Director of the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability at the Maxwell Centre. His research encompasses the physics, materials science and engineering of semiconductor devices made with carbon-based semiconductors, particularly polymers. His research group was first to demonstrate using polymers efficient operation of field-effect transistors and light-emitting diodes. These advances revealed that the semiconductor properties of this broad class of materials are unexpectedly clean, so that semiconductor devices can both reveal their novel semiconductor physics, including their operation in efficient photovoltaic diodes, optically-pumped lasing, directly-printed polymer transistor circuits and light-emitting transistors.
Current research interests include:
- Photogeneration and recombination of charge in molecular semiconductors.
- Singlet exciton fission to triplet exciton pairs and fusion of triplet exciton pairs to singlet excitons.
- LEDs and lasers based on lead halide perovskites.
For more details please refer to my academic profile page.