This suite includes high frequency test equipment, in particular a MVG Star Lab Antenna Measurement System (650 MHz to 18 GHz) and a Keysight N222A PNA Network Analyser (10 MHz to 26.5 GHz).
The antenna testing system, in combination with the network analyser, allows accurate measurement of antenna radiation patterns.
The vector analyser can also be used independently to measure scattering parameters of devices and systems.
A Keysight 65 GSa/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator and a Keysight Infiniium 20 GHz Oscilloscope are also available in the suite and can be used to investigate programming kinetics of resistive switches/phase change memories.
If you wish to use this equipment for material or device characterisation, please contact the technical lead Dr Xiao Zhang or the academic lead Professor Andrea Ferrari in the Department of Engineering.