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Maxwell Centre


How does it work?

This widget updates daily and is collecting data from the Mauna Loa Observatory. The measurements are coordinated by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The Mauna Loa Observatory is operated by NOAA.

The 7-day average box shows the average of the last 7 days including today. It updates every day.

The 1000 years graph shows the historical context of CO2 levels. It updates every day.

The 20 years graph shows the level of CO2 over the past 20 years, to provide an indication as to whether the rate of increase is slowing down. It updates once annually and does not show a value for the current year.

The “in last 2 years” box shows the difference between the CO2 level today compared to what it was on this same day two years ago. This key element of the widget provides a daily update on the progress the world is making in reducing the output of CO2.

Who’s behind it?

This project is led by Matthew Shribman with the support of Cambridge Zero.

Developers: Chris Butterworth, Richard Coates, Rowland Williams, Keith Alexander, Erika Antiche Garzón, Max Palmer

Designers: Bella Soares, Chris Butterworth

Special thanks: Gary Fearnall

The widget is endorsed by the Grantham Institute, the 2 Degrees Institute, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and Reading University’s Department of Meteorology.

Embed instructions and the original report, containing more details about the widget, its ideation and suggestions for further communication, are both available here.