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Maxwell Centre

Early outcomes
NoneFew (1-5)Several (6-10)Many (>10)Does not apply
new people you met overall *
connections made to people from the other side of academia-industry line *
catch-ups with existing/previous connections *
people you wanted to speak to but did not manage to find *
follow-up emails sent after the event *
follow-up request emails received after the event *
meetings/conversations scheduled to happen after the event *
visits to the Maxwell Centre to date (including events) *
It is hard to measure value of early interactions, therefore we would like to understand how much added connectivity was enabled by our event.
Your feedback
1 - poor2 - satisfactory3 - good4 - very good5 - outstandingDid not attend
Format of the day (size and length of the event) *
Materials and information provided before and on the day *
Breadth and variety of topics *
Opportunity to make new connections *
Opportunity to get inspired *
2 minute research snapshots session *
3 minute industrial snapshots session *
Keynotes, highlights and overview talks *
Poster presentations *
Stands and demos *
Networking sessions *
Showcase Event overall *
Please feel free to add any specific comments below.
(Was there any particular aspect of the event, a programme item or an opportunity that you particularly enjoyed or found useful?)
About you
Would you be happy to provide your name with your feedback? Your data is safe with us.
Please indicate your current affiliation(s)
Keeping in touch
Yes pleaseNo thanks
future Maxwell Showcases invitations *
invitations to other Maxwell Centre events *
Would you like to be/stay on the "Friends of Maxwell Centre" mailing list for collated monthly news and updates? *
We would like to keep you posted about events and news of interest. Please let us know your preferences - you are always welcome to change them later.
Thank you